
Please see below the programme for the workshop across the 3 days of activity. You will find there will be 4 options for locations during parallel sessions on days 2 and 3 of the workshop.

Lunch is not included, and will not be available on site. Please see the Practical Information page for more.

The sessions regarding specific disciplines are colour coded.

Physical Science sessions are in blue, and Life Science sessions are in green.

All other sessions are for all disciplines and participants.

Day 1
26 Nov
SessionTimingsPlenary RoomNotes
19:30-10:00 (0,5h)Introduction Presented by Director of Human and Robotic Exploration (Daniel Neuenschwander)
Coffee break
210:30-12:00 (1h30)ESA: Explore2040 + science roadmap + Q&APresented by Director of Human and Robotic Exploration (Daniel Neuenschwander)General topics
Lunch break
313:30-15:30 (2h)ESA Programme highlights:
Scientific outcomes and achievements + Q&A
Coffee break
416:00-17:30 (1h30)Radiation: Mapping new paths for future research + Plenary panel discussion
17:30-19:00Welcome and network receptionNote: foresee 30min of margin from 19h-19h30
Day 2
27 Nov
SessionTimingsPlenary RoomBreakout Room 1 Breakout Room 2Breakout Room 3
19:00-11:00 (2h)Human Risks of Space Exploration (inc Radiation) Fundamental physics Soft matter session 1 – PresentationsFluid physics session 1 – PresentationsPhysical sciences
Coffee break
211:30-13:00 (1h30)Microgravity and Physical Adaptation session 1 – Ground BasedMaterial Science Laboratory (MSL) & Electro-Magnetic Levitator (EML)Soft matter session 2 – Q&A and Panel DiscussionFluid physics session 2 – Q&A and Panel DiscussionLife Sciences
Lunch break
314:30-16h00 (1,5h)Fundamental physics and astrophysicsElectro-Magnetic Levitator (EML)Plant Biology and Food ProductionHealth Biomarkers – Realtime monitoring & disease discovery/diagnosis
Coffee break
416:30-17:30 (1h)Microgravity and Physical Adaptation session 2 – ISSElectro-Magnetic Levitator (EML) – Transparent Alloys (TA) – X-Ray Facility (XRF)Origins of Life & Limits of Life / Exposure Biology – Astrobiology and ExtremophilesPoint of Care – Realtime medical care & utiilisation of health biomarkers
Day 3
28 Nov
SessionTimingsPlenary RoomBreakout Room 1Breakout Room 2Breakout Room 3
19:00-10:30 1st session (1,5h)Astrophysics and environment : EUSO and ASIMPsychology and Team DynamicsPK4 session Microbiology
Coffee break
211:00-12:30 2nd session (1,5h)Physical sciences : EML and PK4 and ASIM Health Countermeasures Session 1Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology & Cell BiologyHibernation for Deep Space Exploration
Lunch break
314:00-15:30 3rd session (1,5h)Facility Definition Team (FDT) for LEO: physical sciences Health Countermeasures Session 23D biological models and applications for exploration: prospective session and priority settingNeuroscience and Cognition
Coffee break
416:00-17:00 4th session (1h)Wrap up discussion